Professional Services

Our Featured Services

SOC Level Simulation

Ascent-tek provides system level simulation solutions allowing for the rapid development of embedded device firmware and testing. This enabling accelerated time to market.
  • QEMU based Simulation Environment
  • Device Driver development before fabrication
  • Performance Evaluation in System
  • System C Verification

Empowering Your Business with Innovative Technology Solutions

At Solutions Ascent-tek, we are dedicated to propelling your business to new heights through cutting-edge technology solutions. With a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence, we offer a wide range of services designed to address your unique business challenges.
Firmware Development

Ascent-tek specializes in SSD firmware development for enterprise and Data center solutions. With a team of experienced engineers and a track record of successful projects, we have the expertise to create custom firmware solutions that optimize the performance and reliability of SSDs. Whether you’re looking to improve the speed and efficiency of your existing product line or bring a new SSD to market, we have the knowledge and skills to help you achieve your goals.

  • Extensive knowledge of SSD architecture and design
  • Experience developing firmware for a variety of SSD controllers and interfaces
  • Proficiency in optimizing SSD firmware for performance, reliability, and power efficiency
  • Ability to troubleshoot and debug firmware issues to ensure deterministic behavior in a variety of applications
Automated Test Infrastructure for Storage Subsystems

At the heart of a design is the data that decisions are based on. Ascent-tek provides detailed device and operating systems introspection tools along with a data collection/analysis suite of tools to support design and system analysis efforts. These tools have been used on Android Mobile devices, SSD storage arrays and other embedded devices.

  • Automated Data Collection Suite for Android Devices
  • Frictionless data collection through application automation
  • Cloud-based test results storage and retrieval
  • Machine Learning analysis tools
  • Android Memory Subsystem Optimizer
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